AGL energy Review

AGL Energy is a large firm that supplies energy to different consumers from Wales and Victoria to South Australia and Queensland. They are reputed in these parts and are very well-known for the services they provide. They have a variety of wind farms, hydroelectric plants and finally thermal power stations, based in all four of the locations mentioned. Welcome to our AGL Energy Review.

agl energy review
Welcome to reading our AGL Energy review

What it claims

  • Provides gas and electricity to various locations
  • Is a developer in the field of renewable energy
  • Largest private owner and operator of renewable energy

Pros of AGL Energy

  • Provides renewable energy. The firm is really interested in benefitting the environment and hence they choose to largely supply renewable energy. This really solidifies their claim. Moreover they are also researchers in the field of renewable energy which increases the efficiency of the renewable energy received reducing energy costs to a minimal.
  • Helpful consumer service. Even though they have overseas call centers, most of the calls are positively assessed and problem are mostly solved as soon as possible. This does not include the rare customer service jewel who refuses to do their job well.

Cons of AGL Energy

The cons to this energy providing service are plentiful. Costumers from all of the locations have complained about this energy providing service. From unsolicited calls to charging fees much higher than those mentioned in the earlier discussions there is very little of what AGL says that is believable.

  • They are untrustworthy. According to one customer, regardless of multiple calls reminding the company of the day they wanted their electricity to start, AGL failed to provide them with electricity. The customer care was also unhelpful during this time and left the customers agitated, giving a bad taste to the first experience they have with AGL.
  • They are expensive. Although they claim to charge the minimal process, most people have found the price of their electricity to be higher than usual. what is more customers have had to battle randomly increasing electricity prices without prior notifications, with the bills fluctuating like crazy. This has been noticed even after a careful reduction of the energy consumption of the family.
  • Unwanted servicemen. It is nice to say that AGL servicemen turn up when they are the least required. These salesperson go from door to door, bullying the consumers into agreeing to change their electricity provider to AGL. They offer fantastical charges that never become a reality and they even use blackmail offering the consumers once in a lifetime contract.

All in all it is clear to say that AGL is not the best energy provider in the world. I doubt that they would even make the top 100. Their effort towards the environment is heartwarming but  it is of a great disappointment when they fail to follow up this exciting venture with prices and customer care that would be just as loved by the customers as the venture into renewable energy itself.

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