We have been selling Luxen Solar panels for just over 12 months and couldn’t be more impressed with them. Initially, we set out looking for a High-Quality panel that would replace our previous line up of affordable panels, ZN SHINE – These are no longer selling in Australia.
My quarterly electricity bill is only around $575 per Quarter, Do I really need a 6kw solar system?
We sell the Luxen Solar panels in the 250 watt polycrystalline format. This version of solar panel, 250 watt polycrystalline, is what is considered ‘the norm’ these days when being offered to purchase a solar system.
250 watt polycrystalline solar panels are now very efficient and a good size and weight to make it a happy day for the installers to carry up your 2nd storey roof.
Because of this it may seem that every man and his dog are selling 250 watt polycrystalline panels – They are – And for good reason. 300 watt + Solar panels are simply too big and cumbersome for installers.
- Luxen Panels come with a 10 year build warranty and also,
- a 25 year performance warranty.
When we first installed Luxen panels we didn’t expect for them to be as efficient and High-Performing as they are – I mean, they are priced very competitively – Yet we still see them pump out the same results as we do with a fresh Seraphim or Winaico solar panel install! (These panels are our Premium solar panels that we sell)
Luxen solar panels are proving to be this impressive right now, because they are made with components from Tier 1 solar companies we certainly expect they will be still producing good performance numbers in 10 – 25 years time.
More expensive panel manufacturers claim to be more efficient over X amount of years. BUT KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ALL IT IS – A CLAIM! – An OPTIMISTIC CLAIM.
Unless of course if they have a time travel machine. How else would they know? Luxen Solar panels have a minimum performance guarantee of 25 years, so there is nothing at all to worry about there.
All Solar panels have to come with a minimum 25 year solar panel performance warranty. The more expensive ones come with a 30 year panel performance warranty. – How old are you going to be in 30 years time?
LUXEN SOLAR PANELS – Real Performance in Brisbane
Recently we thought the surprising and impressive KW hours that we were getting out of the Luxen solar panels warranted further investigation – Investigate, we did.
It turns out that the reason why these Luxen Solar panels have been brilliant in performance, is because they are manufactured using well established components and solar cells from various reputable Tier 1 solar manufacturers. Tier 1 Solar companies listed were Trina, Jinko and Suntech solar cells for use in Luxen Solar panel manufacturing.
We installed these on Wayne’s roof back in Septemeber. He lives in Brisbane. Unfortunately with his house and roof being shaped the way it is. We had to split half the panels North-West facing, and the other half, North-East facing, all hooked up and powered by a JFY SUNTWINS 5000TL… Very Impressive for a non ‘True North’ facing roof.
As you can see below, Wayne was ecstatic and sent me a Text to let me know what his Luxen panel / JFY inverter system managed to get him on his first full day of generation.

LUXEN – Top Quality Customer Service
Please see below for a recent email exchanged between Luxen Solar and QLD Solar and Lighting. If you want further clarfication – you can contact Luxen for yourselves.

We have also used the Luxen Solar panels on many of our Commercial Solar Systems installs and they have worked brilliant and outperforming expectations here also.
Below is an email we have received from one of our many happy customers. He had his Luxen Panels installed with a JFY solar inverter also.

If you are looking for the ‘best bang for buck’ solar system in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast or Gold Coast then look no further. The Luxen Solar Panels / JFY Solar inverter combination is sure to impress with excellent performance and over a long period of time.
To see our Brisbane Solar Panel prices on systems using the Luxen Solar panels click here.
Thanks for reading our Luxen Solar Panels review.
Where can i get the Luxen panel?
How much roughly is it selling to installer?
Just call or email us and we can arrange wholesale to you