ReneSola and Sopray Panels-Solar Panels Comparison
In this age of technological advancement, the use of alternative green sources of energy are fast replacing our dependence on exhaustible resources for fuels. The invention of solar panels is the best invention since they put mayonnaise in a jar! Solar panels have become so popular that we have to indulge in a solar panels comparison to help you choose the best in green technology.
ReneSola is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers and distributors of solar panels and other green energy technology. Based in Australia, this brand has made its name among the top brands in solar power inventions over the last decade. So lets see what makes this brand tick!
DC Electrical Characteristics
STC Power Rating 230W
PTC Power Rating 208.9W 1
STC Power per unit of area 13.1W/ft2 (141.4W/m2)
Peak Efficiency 14.14%
Power Tolerances 0%/+2%
Number of Cells 60
Imp 7.88A
Vmp 29.2V
Isc 8.47A
Voc 36.7V
Temp. Coefficient of Isc 0.04%/K
Temp. Coefficient of Power -0.4%/K
Temp. Coefficient of Voltage -0.11V/K
Series Fuse Rating 20A
Maximum System Voltage 1000V
Mechanical Characteristics
Type Polycrystalline Silicon
Output Terminal Type Multicontact Connector Type 4
Output Cable Wire Gauge 12 AWG
Output Cable Wire Type PV Wire
Output Cable Wire Length 39.4in (1,000mm)
Frame Color Clear
Length 64.6in (1,640mm)
Width 39.1in (992mm)
Depth 1.6in (40mm)
Weight 41.9lb (19kg)
Installation Method Rack-Mounted
80% Power Output Warranty Period 25yrs
90% Power Output Warranty Period data not available
Workmanship Warranty Period 100yrs
CSI Listed No
1. California Solar Initiative (CSI) list of Eligible Modules
This brand is also famous for its technical precision, use of best quality materials international standards of technology. The features include:
DC Electrical Characteristics
STC Power Rating 155W
PTC Power Rating 138.6W 1
STC Power per unit of area 11.3W/ft2 (121.4W/m2)
Peak Efficiency 12.14%
Power Tolerances -3%/+3%
Number of Cells 72
Imp 4.4A
Vmp 35.2V
Isc 4.96A
Voc 42.2V
Temp. Coefficient of Power -0.48%/K
Temp. Coefficient of Voltage -0.143V/K
Series Fuse Rating 15A
Maximum System Voltage 1000V
Mechanical Characteristics
Type Monocrystalline Silicon
Output Terminal Type Multicontact Connector Type 4
Frame Color Clear
Length 62.2in (1,580mm)
Width 31.8in (808mm)
Depth 1.4in (35mm)
Weight 34.2lb (15.5kg)
Installation Method Rack-Mounted
80% Power Output Warranty Period 25yrs
90% Power Output Warranty Period data not available
Workmanship Warranty Period data not available
CSI Listed No
1. PTC rating calculated using 45°C as the NOCT (Nominal Cell Operating Temperature)
The survey shows the two brands to be at par with one another as both types of solar panels are loaded with features. This solar panels comparison ensures that you buy the best green technology from among the best brands, for your home.