TopSolar Panels Review

topsolar panels revew
A great bang-for-buck panel

We have been selling and installing TopSola solar panels for over 12 months now and we are very happy with what we see. The Topsolar Solar panels are proving to perform, just as strong in this first 12 months as their more expensive competitors, JINKO and CSun panels. Although Topsolar Panels are cheaper, you would not pick it, as their build quality appears unremarkable.

Top Solar panels have been sold and installed in Australia for well over 5 years now. It took us quite a few years to get the courage up to begin to install a new and foreign panel to us. We are certainly delighted to have had the guys from Top Solar approach us for panel testing and inspection over 12 months ago.


TOPSOLAR Solar Panels reviews

Our installers and customers aren’t the only guys in the world that think TopSola Panels are a great choice for any solar system. Check out these favourable Top Solar panels reviews here.

Topsola have been making solar panels since 2007, but parent company, has been around since 1994. As you can see, the company is not some new start-up company, founded only a few months ago to capitalise on the ever increasing global solar market… They already did that back in 2007!

You can visit the Australian Top Solar website here.


solar panels factory China
Here are the Chinese workers, pumping out a hard days work at the TopSola factory, ready to be sent to Qld Solar and Lighting.
top solar solar panels
Like everything Made in China, boxed up, crammed in a dodgy old truck and boosted off on a nearby waiting contsainer ship.


topsola panels reviews
Then a month later, they arrive safely at Qu
eensland Solar and Lighting’s warehouse. too easy!
We have no shortage of TopSola panels!

Thanks for reading our Top Solar Panel review. In conclusion, they are a very well made and excellently priced demonstration of a great panel that has proven to stand the test of time in this ever-changing, fast-paced Solar Industry!

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