Are you fed up with your massive electricity bill these days? Are your kids using too many lights and always leaving them on? You need to replace your lights for more energy consuming Lights. Did you know we offer the biggest and best range of LED Lights Gold Coast.
We are happy to announce that we supply the most LED Lights Gold Coast has ever seen! Businesses and houses in Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Northern New South Wales with LED Lights. These lights can be up to 90% more efficient to run – That’s Crazy!

Why are so many businesses buying large costly solar systems but not buying LED LIGHTS Gold Coast?
It’s crazy. We reguarly quote up businesses to reduce their Energy outgoings, but we find these spastic business owners are more concerned with getting the biggest solar system they can afford, rather than buying a complete energy package for the best price.
And when i say ‘complete energy package’, i mean a suitable sized solar system (remember too much energy produced is exported back to the grid for 0 cents per kw – YOU ARE GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER FOR FREE! The complete energy package also consists of replacing your most used Halogen and Fluorescent lights with LED Lights Gold Coast. And we can usually do this for a cheaper price than your big Godzilla, useless (but impressive) 50kw solar system that is carting off 49kw’s an hour for no monetary reward back to Energex for 2 days a week – Saturday and Sunday. The shop is all but running a blinking security light and the staffrooms lunch fridge.
Replace your existing costly lights with LED LIGHTS GOLD COAST
Call us up on 07 56 36 36 92 or email and let us know how many high bay lights you have, how many T8 fluro tubes… all these we can swap out to LED for you.
If you think you cannot afford these lights, don’t worry -YOU CAN! We have our own in-house finance options and unbelievable low interest rates for you to take advantage of.