Off Grid Solar Systems Gold Coast: Power Your Home
We thank you for expressing an interest in our off grid solar systems Gold Coast. Our company is the leading supplier and distributor of off grid solar systems Gold Coast. The Stand Alone Power System (SAPS) is slowly becoming a rage among home owners living in the Gold Coast area because of the huge reduction in electricity bills and power efficiency.
Installing the entire system is a bit of a hassle but the profits made on your electric bills can cover the entire installation costs in two weeks. Plus, we have a range of attractive deals and rebates for you to profit on. There are also a lot of Government Incentives in this area, like the Solar Credits subsidy provided to home owners under the Renewable Energy Target scheme. For all this information and more, be sure to register with us for a complete information guide on Off Grid Solar Systems Gold Coast.
About Off Grid Solar Systems: What exactly are they?
Here’s a short introduction to off grid solar systems. Basically, an off grid system is an electric source and distributor that powers an entire house or commercial space without any dependence on the conventional grid which is a public amenity. An off grid solar system is a self sustainable energy unit. Once you set it up, the solar energy of the sun rays is converted to electric energy by the solar panels and stored in silicon batteries.
The entire system also incorporates an inverter which can be converts the electric power to whatever voltage and current requirement is suitable for your house. In the process, you have an independent electric source which can be used to generate energy continuously, or can be used as a backup when the conventional grid network fails. Off grid systems are of course extremely environment friendly and generate minimum pollution.
Off Grid Solar Systems Gold Coast from the Queensland Solar and Lighting Company.
So how do we contribute towards bringing off grid solar energy to your home? Well, we have a wide distributing network which stretches around Queensland and the neighboring area. If you give us a call, we can turn up at your doorstep no matter how remote your place is. Our Off Grid Solar Systems Gold Coast have been custom made for the home dwellers of the area. We also help you sort out your grid energy requirements and the components which will be best for you, as this varies from home to home.
So you see, the entire business of determining the grid system, installation and servicing is provided by our friendly team. You can also sign up for free for the best advice regarding the kind of system you should install. We realize that setting up an entire grid to power your home is a rather difficult and time consuming task for the home owner. Our commitment is to make this entire process smooth for you. If you are looking to install an off grid solar system to your home, make sure you come to our off grid solar systems Gold Coast.