Qld Solar and Lighting are now accepting Cryptocurrency as payment

Pay for your solar system using Cryptocurrency

solar cryptocurrency BrisbaneWe are excited to announce that we are now accepting any form of cryptocurrency traded on the Coinspot platform to be used as payment for a solar system.

We currently have a deal on a system bought with DOGE COIN to celebrate Elon’s excitement and passion.
Das SolarSolis

Just $999 for this 6.6kw solar system installed in the Brisbane region. for an extra $2000 you could upgrade it to 13kw if you wish.

We are offering this special deal to just 47 customers (as a limited edition).
The deal will be offered for just one day, Cyber Monday. so get in fast.

At the moment we have capacity to install 1 system a week, having customers be able to use their cryptocurrency to either part-pay or pay for their system in full! All solar systems we sell in Brisbane can be found here.

cryptocurrency for solar payment

If you are interested in this offer, please email sales@queenslandsolarandligjting.com or call us on 0756363692 to discuss your solar energy needs and find out how you can buy a solar system using cryptocurrency!

1 thought on “Qld Solar and Lighting are now accepting Cryptocurrency as payment”

  1. Pingback: Queensland Solar and Lighting Now Accepts Crypto-payments for Their Solar Systems

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