Trina Vertex S 390w – Solar System Packages

$5,250.00$39,000.00 inc GST

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Trina Vertex S 390w Solar Panels Packages – Brisbane

Trina Vertex S 390w is the panel for a customer that may have had a Trina-branded panel before. Trina solar panels have been sold in Australia since the 2000’s. They are considered to be one of the ‘Toyota Camry’s’ of the industry. Good name, good reputation, good product.


The Trina Vertex S series is just that. A reliable solar panel. They also sell a Premium Double-Glass version of this, called the Trina Vertex S Plus. You can read about it here.

Trina Vertex S 390w Solar Panel Warranties

  • 15-Year Product Warranty
  • 25-Year Performance Warranty





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