Bullet Tips For Choosing The Best Solar Panels
The solar panels cost start from hundred to thousand dollars at anywhere in the world. When you install solar panels on your solar system then you should need to consider some bullet tips to do it. Please don’t much rely on purchase decision rather than selecting best solar system for your home and office. Lets start it :-
Solar Panel Cost Vs. Value
Normally the solar panel cost is determined based on considering many things such as : size in watts, quality of materials, the brand, durability or warranty period etc. Your choosing solar panels wouldn’t be perfectly suitable for your chosen area, might not have any international quality certifications to get govt. rebates, doesn’t provide enough performance for good economic payback.
Habituated To Tolerance Mood & Temperature Heat
It means the solar panels wouldn’t be able to produced more watts than mentioned at the “nameplate” due to it’s quality control issues. Sometimes it can provide less watts but a positive attitude is must needed to have super performance. The temperature is most important to get perfect heat after a successful solar panel installation.
Conversion & Energy Efficiency
Every solar panels convert the sun light into energy. How much it’s generating and what is it conversion rate, which is too important for measuring energy efficiency and energy production rate and payback time are also important factors.
The durability and warranty of a solar panel is so important to customers and manufactures. Reputed solar pounds such as REC Solar, Sumec Phono, Panasonic and Solar Fontier will have minimum 25 years warranty. Actually the warranty is a great indicator how long the company is providing services among the markets. Definitely you wouldn’t like to buy from manufacturer rather than reputed installer and retailer. Always try to choose an international brand to have world-class services around the globe. At the time of arising problems the service agent from a particular company or manufacturer can provide very quick solution.
Watts & Size
The size of solar panels depend on it’s watts. And the cost also depends on it such as dollar per watt. Actually the watts are related to the output of each panel; meaning a 200 watts panel under ideal condition will generate 200 watts-hours or electricity each hour and thus this way the watts affect the amount of electricity. The physical size of a panel depends on output of a panel meaning; the 200 watts panel will not be larger than 100 watts panel. The solar cells also affect the physical body size easily. The key issue is that, the solar panel must be adjustable with your selected area. According to your future plan you should need to ensure the best uses of your rooftop, if you want to place more solar panels then you need more spaces otherwise you have to replace your existing solar panels just before the end of their minimum serviceable life.
Variety Of Used Solar Cells
Actually there are 3 types of solar cells available in the market and the best solar cells will depend on installation application.
Monocrystalline silicon cells have high efficiency rate and good heat tolerance power in a tiny footprint.
Current time Polycrystalline cells are most popular for residential installation purposes. Not only that at present time Polycrystalline technology become so much developed than Monocrystalline brands specially for size, heat tolerance power and efficiency rate.
Amorphous silicon are using very few amount of silicon, naturally this are less efficient solar cells.
Checklist For Shopping Solar Panel
At the time of purchasing solar panel you should remember some important point at your mind. And these are :-
1) Try to know how the material used and module is manufactured for the solar panel system.
2) Try to be sure about solar panel heat tolerance capability, temperature power and energy conversion and efficiency rate.
3) Compare with others solar panels provided warranty.
4) Try to learn more about your purchasing solar panels manufactured company’s details and more.